Nicole Weckherlin, OTR/L
This article originally appeared in the St. Louis Children’s Hospital Newsletter on March 14, 2016.
The Washington University NF Center congratulates our fellow team member, Nicole Weckherlin, OTR/L, St. Louis Children’s Hospital Occupational Therapist, on earning the monthly President’s Award!
What did she do to earn the nomination and receive the award?
Nicole, an occupational therapist and avid runner in her spare time, contacted a local running retailer on behalf of a patient’s needs. She recognized the patient’s passion for running cross country despite having cerebral palsy, which impairs movement. The patient needed better shoes and knee protection for safer running, but the family could not afford the items to enable their child to continue running.
With one foot shorter than the other, the patient required two different running shoe sizes. In addition, frequent falls had led to significant knee scarring, necessitating protective wear for the patient’s knees. After Nicole reached out to the retailer and explained the situation, they offered a customized fitting appointment and donated both the protective knee wraps and properly sized running shoes.
Who nominated her for the award?
Jennifer Miros, Manager, CP Sports and Rehab Center, nominated Nicole for the award, recognizing she had gone above and beyond to provide exceptional patient care. Jennifer said of the nomination, “The store owner wrote us to commend Nicole’s concern for the patient, as well as her support for the patient’s love of running and sense of achievement.”
Keep up the great work, Nicole!