New Biomarker for Cancer Development Discovered

In a recent study, Dr. Angela Hirbe and her team analyzed βIII-spectrin expression in a series samples from patients cared for in the Washington University NF Center and the Siteman Cancer Center Sarcoma Program. While strong βIII-spectrin expression was detected in all high-grade MPNSTs, it was found in only half of the low-grade MPNSTs and […]

The Walk Family Hosts FuNFest to Raise Money for NF Research

On November 21, 2018, Brian and Amanda Walk and their daughters, Jordan and Bella, visited the Washington University NF Center to celebrate another successful fuNFest event. FuNFest is a family-friendly festival designed to promote awareness about NF and to raise funds for NF research. The event includes games, bounce houses, music, a live auction, silent […]

Corina Anastasaki Awarded National Cancer Institute Grant

Corina Anastasaki, PhD, a senior Staff Scientist in the laboratory of David H. Gutmann, MD, PhD, was recently awarded one of the first Research Specialist (R50) grants from the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The Research Specialist Award was specifically designed to encourage the development of stable research career opportunities for exceptional scientists who want to […]